[New Research] How the Strong Alignment of People, Process, and Technology Drive Firm Value Creation

While it’s quite common to assess a company’s health across core dimensions like people, process, and technology, we wanted to better understand the impact of alignment (or non-alignment) across each of these pillars.

Using experience from our numerous technology diligence engagements at professional services firms and our rich data pool, our experts came to a clear conclusion: strong alignment in the sophistication of a firm’s people, process and technology has a distinct impact on a firm’s growth and overhead.

When a firm has aligned across these foundational dimensions, its performance flourishes. When these dimensions are disjointed, inefficiencies are created, and performance dwindles.

In our new research paper, which you can read by clicking the image below, we’ll showcase our analysis in greater depth and explain exactly what it means to align these dimensions to influence top-line and bottom-line performance.

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